Thursday, January 31, 2013

Unparalleled Abandon

Raw despair
lying naked
exposed, unable to hide
I lay in Your Presence
tear streaked face
trembling hands
my fears
my insecurities
my worth shattered
my brokenness
before Your Feet

It's the end of me
save me
help me
heal me
restore me
I surrender in
unparalleled abandon

to You


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fasting your way into FREEDOM!

I want to share something with you and to extend an invitation for you to join me if you feel compelled by the Holy Spirit.
I believe that God desires to break many strongholds over my life so that I can move freely in the things of Him that He has ordained for me in this season.  I feel like I've hit a ceiling... a roadblock spiritually.  I feel "stuck" in a sense and it's hard to explain in the natural.  The Lord is showing me that there are many areas in my life that are still bound spiritually and they are hindering me from moving like He wants me to move.  Deep rooted issues, fears, doubts, etc...  For example... the poverty mindset.  I grew up poor and have this "I need to save or buy thrift" mentality that is rooted in fear.  I am not saying not to save or buy thrift, but when you have the means and you still "think" you're poor, this is STRONGHOLD over your mind.  A STRONGHOLD is anything that will keep you from experiencing the fullness that the blood of Jesus was shed for. 
I know I am anointed to walk in supernatural faith and to have supernatural wealth (NOT pride, but a statement of Truth).  The Truth is.... you are all anointed to walk in the FULLNESS of God as well.  How far you go in this life is directly proportional to your faith.  Do you believe that these are the things that God wants for you?  If you don't... there may be a stronghold in your mind.  Strongholds are mindsets that are formed by what we are taught.  They are learned thoughts and they ultimately manifest in natural behaviors.  So... I said all that to lay a foundation for what I want to share with you.
I want to get ALL that God has for me and I believe that there is a mighty move of God right now in the atmosphere.  It's not a time thing.  It's a God thing.  He's stirring up faith in Crossway and I want to jump on board.  But we can only go as far as we allow ourselves to go.  Our weaknesses will dictate how far we go in God.  Our weakest link.  We are sooo powerful that we can STOP God from being God in our lives.  That is how much power we have brothers and sisters.  So powerful that if we desire, we can override the power of Jesus' blood and send ourselves to hell!  That is a powerful revelation. 
The good news is this.  We can break the stronghold over our lives and over our families' lives.  The answer is in FASTING.  Fasting is a powerful tool that Breaks STRONGHOLDS and releases God's blessings into your life.  Fasting doesn't move God, but fasting moves us.  It causes us to be very sensitive to the spiritual things when our flesh is "quieted". 
Matthew 6 speaks about fasting.
Specifically, Mathew 6:16 says, "Moreover, when you fast, do not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward."
Jesus says, WHEN you fast.  Not IF you fast.  So, this implies that fasting should be an active part of the believer's life!
Why are we called to fast? 
The three things that God commands for us to do that releases His blessings are
  1. Prayer
  2. Fasting
  3. Giving
This is amazing because He gave me the revelation today. 
We are tripartite, just like God is TRIPARTITE (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).  He is all three but yet, ONE!  (Think of the three phases of water - ice, water, vapor).  We are also Tripartite.  We are body, soul, and spirit. 
Our bodies are the flesh part of us that carries our soul and spirit. 
Our souls houses our mind, will, and emotions.  It is our personality and intellect.
Our spirits are the part of us that is connected to God.  It is the part that becomes born again when we receive Christ. 
The spirit man is the part of us that is connected to God.  God deals with our spirits and not our soul or body.  When our souls line up with the spirit man, then we "feel" God and in that sense, He deals with our emotions.  Think of those times you have had those pity parties and you feel down right bad.  God doesn't respond to that.  He responds to our faith.  Read the story of the woman came to Jesus concerning her daughter in Matthew 15:22-28.  Jesus wasn't moved by her emotions.  He was moved by her FAITH!  Faith moves God!  Faith is a product of the spirit realm!  It is impossible to please God without Faith!  (Hebrews 11:6).
So, here is the revelation. 
Giving kills our desires - correlates to the soulish realm
Praying quiets our mind for communion with God to our SPIRIT - correlates with the spiritual realm
Fasting kills our flesh - correlates to the body.
These are all our acts of obedience to make us miserable people... NO!  :D
It is our acts of obedience to draw us closer to God.  God desires to commune with us in a level that we don't even know exist, but He is SPIRIT.  He is so humble that He did lower Himself to His Creation's level when He put on flesh and walked the Earth.  But the purpose of that was to DIE so that the viel would be broken and we would be free from the curse that binds us to the natural realm (subject to death).  When He died, we are now free to move into the spiritual realm anytime we want (in God's way of course and not through witchcraft and the occult) to "see Daddy!".  The way to do that is through fasting, praying, and giving.  
It's like getting married.  I know that there is something GREAT coming and it's SOON!  But I need to get ready for it.  I can't show up in jeans and a sweater.  I need to do all necessary things to prepare.  So, fasting prepares us to receive.  It changes us and NOT God. 
I encourage you to seek the Word and to study concerning Fasting and its implications and spiritual principles.  Seek God concerning His direction for you for fasting.  

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Insatiable hunger
for Him
a longing that drives my innermost being deep
into an intense worship
where I am lost in His Love
where I cannot see where I end and He begins

I long for His embrace
a cry away
a song away
a prayer away
the Holy One is a breath away.

Father, I want more of You
I am

Thursday, June 16, 2011

God's Will for us Part 2

... Finding His Will for us.

Father, I thank You for being so AWESOME. Lord, many times, I wish I could invent more words to describe who You are. Truth be told, I don't think anyone here or even in Heaven (maybe except Jesus) know the fullness of who You are. Thank you for allowing us the privilege to seek You, to find You, and to have a relationship with You. We love You and we thank You for speaking to our hearts as You reveal more of Yourself to us.

I must begin this blog by putting satan on Front Street. I have loved God since I was a little child and most of my life since then, I have been trying to "get" God to love me with my damaged ways. I am not putting myself down. I am just saying it like it is. We are a product of a fallen world and we have fallen ways. We crave love and we desire love, yet we can't seem to get it right. So, I would come to God and try to love Him using my ways. My ways included manipulation and emotional coercion. I would think, "Maybe if I was super good, I could get God to love me more" or "Maybe if I did extra things to be nice and perfect, I could earn brownie points with God and He would bless me." or get this "I am so pitiful God and worthless, will You come rescue me out of my mess?" (please note that I am referring to post salvation). You may not have said those same exact words, but this illustrates how people think. These are a learned behaviors and no one is to be condemned for it. There is just a better way, a right way to love God. Now God, through His Holy Spirit is showing me this better way to love Him.

The Lord spoke to me about a month ago about "finding" Him. He told me that I need to understand WHO I am. I can't love Him if I don't love myself and love is always rooted in the knowledge of Truth. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't have self esteem problems, but I realize that I fall short in my self image. My perspective is tainted and broken. I have been viewing, judging myself out my own eyes.

Did you know that science has found that we as humans use less than 5% of our brain? (Some people, I believe, use less than that). Now understanding this information about our physical capacity, let's see the ramifications of what we do. We form and accept opinions, thoughts, ideas, and conceptions about who we are and we seal and stamp our character as "DONE" "COMPLETE" or "FINISHED" when the reality is that we have not begun to scratch the surface of who we really are. I can relate it to building a car. An important part of the car is the engine (the heart of the car). When engineerers finalize the design of an engine, prototypes are made, and perhaps the first production run is complete, it would be foolish for them to say, "Ok, this is it. This is the best thing we have made and now the car is complete." Yes, the engine works properly and is a integral fundamental piece of the car, but it's useless without the rest of the car. The engine would never fulfill its original purpose without the rest of the picture. This example makes an obvious illustration of what mankind does.

Another way to illustrate this mindset that we have is to imagine trying to look through a lens that's smudged, broken, cracked, distorted to try to see a picture clearly and at its true representation. It's impossible. The only solution is to change the lens to a PERFECT prescription. Only then can the true image show and in turn be appreciated.

The solution to "seeing our true image" is to see out of God's Eyes. We need a higher perspective and this perspective can only come through spiritual revelation from Holy Spirit. This is very possible and showing you how to do that is the purpose for this Blog series. My intention is to provide infomation, scriptures, and revelatory knowledge to assist those who are seeking to find WHO they are, to uncover their purpose in this life and the life to come, and to learn how to love God with their FULL potential.

KEY: God created a physical world from a spiritual world.

"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness." Genesis 1:3-4

When a construction foreman reads the blueprint for a new structure, he knows and understands that before he can start on the building, he needs to lay a solid foundation first. From what I understand about construction, a large percentage of the building fees is spent on the constructing the building's foundation (both in materials and labor). The foundation is very important. It needs to be made of solid, reliable, and durable material. It must be laid properly and it must be given the perfect amount of time to set. These human architects get these concepts from the Supreme Architect because God did it first.

Now, I truly believe that God laid the foundation of the world in verse 3 when He called forth Light. Now God used the most expensive stuff He had, the most reliable material He could find, and the most durable substance available in eternity to build the foundations of the World. Himself. It is hard to imagine this in our carnal (earthly, physical) minds. We need spiritual revelation to understand spiritual things. Ask Holy Spirit to reveal this to you.

"This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all." 1 John 1:5

You see, God, being pure love only knows how to do things out of love. We have learned to use the word "pure" to emphasize the authenticity of love because we have perverted it so much in "this" world, but God is love. He wanted to create a perfect world and He would only use perfect materials. So, He spoke (which by default can never be a lie, because when He speaks, it must happen) and pulled out of Himself, Light. He laid the foundation of the World in light. Then, God can't help but admire just how GOOD it is. defines good as "morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree, of high quality; excellent"

"And God saw the light, that it was good." Genesis 1:4

God qualified His light as He acknowledged that is was good and stamped its character into eternity. When God speaks, He cannot go back on His Word.

"God [is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" Numbers 23:19

So, another important KEY to understanding God's Will for us is to KNOW that God spoke and created a physical World out of a Spiritual World (Himself).

An additional Key is to understanding God's Will for us is to KNOW that God will always move in accordance to His Word.

Father, I thank You again for Your Glorious truths. You are so amazing God. Thank You for revealing these truths to us continually, all day, every day. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit that will lead us into all truth. We love You Lord. In Jesus' Name we pray, Amen.

"Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

God’s Will for us. Revealed in the beginning…

Father, I pray that You move by Your Spirit and reveal Your Will and Purpose for us to our hearts. Speak to our spirit and quicken us to the truth. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Before I begin to share with you what God has been showing me, I must congratulate you. You have clicked on this blog because you are curious, lost, "hungry" to know, seeking, all of the above, or none of the above. Pressing for knowledge is one of the Keys for Freedom.

Jesus told "those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. " John 8:31-32

I believe that not knowing the truth is like being in jail (or worse). People say, "ignorance is bliss", but I believe that not knowing will always leave you wondering. The truth is that we know already, but we just need to expose ourselves to what we already know. God had planted a "homing" device in us before we were born and that device stirs up this great search for Truth.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)

The Truth empowers us to move with purpose, and on purpose instead of "going through the motions."

Nuggets of truth are KEYS that unlock our purpose and potentials and set us free. So, I have purposed myself to find those keys to TRUE freedom which then ENABLES me to walk out those doors of unbelief, doubt, confusion, unconfidence, worry, and into LIBERTY.

Ok, here is a KEY: God moves in accordance to His Word.

All of us can remember education in one way or another. All of our subject classes started with an introductory class, an intermediate class, an advance class and so on. The purposes for this progressive transition through imparting knowledge is the based on the foundational understanding that all matter must be built step by step. For example, when learning algebra, we had to go through a painstaking semester of learning the laws and basic fundamental rules of equations, variables, fractions, and so on before we even see an Algebra problem. This very teaching tool was derived directly from our Creator Himself.

God spent a good amount of time (after He created time) laying a solid foundation. He had great plans, but He had to establish some ground rules in the Earth for His prized Creation before they arrived at the scene. God set some laws in motion and those same laws of nature are still cooperating with those very commands.

Let's look at what God did. (Genesis)

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." Genesis 1:1-5

Now, the Spirit of God (the very essence and person of God) was always there and He "moved upon the face of the waters." Some translations say, He hovered. The understanding is that God was there. His Presence was very present. Yet, nothing happened until He... SPOKE. The Bible doesn't say how long the Holy Spirit hovered. But it is clear that there was no activity until God spoke. God spoke and it was.

This is KEY :God moves in accordance to His Word.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

God's Word is God's Bond. God is Soverign (all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere), but He is limited. God is limited by HIS WORD.

"I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name" (Psalm 138:2)

This key nugget of Truth is an essential foundational understanding that you need to get your mind around digest in your spirit. Meditate on these scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance in imparting the revelation to you. God's WIll for us is not a secret. It is not a mystery.

"But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." (1 Corinthians 2:9-10)

God has already revealed these amazing mysteries to us. It is up to us to open our hearts to it and to receive it.

Father, thank You for your precious Word. Thank You that You have completed all things in the heavenlies and it is up to us to pull them into the Earth realm to use for our lives so that we can bring You Glory! We desire Your truth. Lead us into all understanding. Give us wisdom through your Holy Spirit. Lord, I ask that You quicken a supernatural hunger in all those that are reading this blog to hunger and thirst after righteous like never before, because You promised us in Your WORD that we WILL BE FILLED! We thank You for answering our prayer. We love You. In Jesus' Name We pray, Amen.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

What Does God Think About Me? The intimate love story

My heart broke as I watched my daughter sob uncontrollably after I raised my voice towards her in frustration to her response to me. Then, I caught myself and asked, "What is upsetting this child?" Why do our children cry when we become angry with them? Then, the Lord spoke to me and said, "She equates her worth to your response towards her." I realized that my daughter felt thought that I had stopped loving her when I raised my voice. After calming my daughter down and reassuring her that "mommy loves you and mommy will never stop loving you" and explaining to that my response to her behavior will never change my love for her, I couldn't get that encounter out of my mind. How that little episode mirrors human relationships in all walks of life. How we bring our human relational baggage into our relationship with Father God, our Creator.

I am on a quest to find the truth. I need to know. What does God think about me?

What is intimacy?

Oftentimes, an artist forms a masterpiece in their mind and works diligently on a lump of clay to bring the work of beauty to life. From an outsider's position, the work is garbage at best until the artist lops off clay, piece by piece until their vision becomes that reality. Clay is not garbage, however, after seeing the masterpiece, it is evident that the pieces laying on the floor has only been a hindrance to its full potential.

Just like that artist, removing clay to reveal the hidden treasure, I will attempt to reveal what intimacy is by removing what it is not.

Myth # 1. Intimacy is not a feeling.

The word intimacy is the substance of the adjective intimate. The word intimate is derived from two Latin words, intimus and atus.

Intimus is defined as inmost; most secret
Atus is a past participle suffix

Intimate is described as characterized by a close or warm personal relationship, deeply personal, private, or secret, having a deep or unusual knowledge of, of deep knowledge, and of or relating to the essential part or nature of something

We have mostly correlated intimacy to a feeling of the moment, usually in sexual terms; however, this is very misleading and oftentimes detrimental to our relationships with each other and ultimately with God. The emotions that we "feel" in an moment is the RESULT of an intimate relationship. An intimate relationship is rooted and grounded in a deep and true knowledge of the subject at hand.

The reason why many people "date around" or go through relationship after relationship is because there has not been a commitment to developing true intimacy with the other person and the focus has instead been on recreating an emotional feeling that comes and passes with the wind.

True intimacy always begins with the knowledge of who we are, who others are, and ultimately who God is. Why is it important to understand who God is? Because He is our Creator and Source.

When someone buys a new gadget or toy, that manufactured item comes with instructions or a manual. That manual is written in detail with intimate knowledge of the product by the manufacturer. The manual oftentimes includes information on what the product is made of, what parts and pieces are in the product, what to do to troubleshoot if there is a problem with the product, and contact information if help is needed concerning the product.

This concept is borrowed from our Creator who has written a manual about us, mankind. He explains who we are, what we are made of, what our purpose is, how to find answers if there are problems, and Who to go to if there is a problem.

I challenge you to make a committment (seek) to learn who you are. I promise you, this commitment will lead to your Source (God), result in healing (all areas of your life), and restore intimacy in your life.

God's Love Letter

My Dear Precious child,

Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you, and before you came forth out of the womb, I sanctified (set apart, appointed/chose,) you, and I ordained you a prophet unto the nations. I have made you in My image, after My likeness and you will have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

I love you.

Your Father,